
“Prezzo Says ‘I Told You So!’ as He Reiterates His Claim About Kasmuel Mcoure Being a Clout Chaser”

Image: CMB Prezzo

Prezzo previously labeled Kasmuel Mcoure a clout chaser, accusing him of pretending to champion Gen Z’s interests while seeking personal fame.

“I think he’s just chasing clout. Anyone thinking clearly can see the nonsense this guy is pulling. He’s just out for attention,” Prezzo remarked.


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At the time, his comments led some to accuse him of being a hater, with a number of Gen Z supporters defending Kasmuel as a future leader they believed in.

In response, Kasmuel dismissed Prezzo’s claims, suggesting the rapper was too intoxicated by alleged drug use to understand the political landscape.

“What has kept him relevant apart from a hit song he made when I was two or three years old? The only reason Prezzo’s name is back in circulation is because he’s talking about me,” Kasmuel said, later adding, “These are rich kids with no substance,” before correcting himself to “rich kids with substances.”


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Now, barely a month later, Prezzo has returned to assert that his original assessment was correct. Following accusations that Kasmuel Mcoure had betrayed the Kenyan public by aligning with the current government, Prezzo posted a smug “I told you so,” saying:

“I gave my opinion and y’all came for me. Now look, your ‘messiah’ has sold you out for perks from the likes of Zakayo. That’s life,” Prezzo wrote.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
