
Prezzo reveals he was a Mungiki youth leader

Image: Kenyan rapper, Prezzo

Prezzo, a Kenyan rapper, has narrated how he ended up being recruited into the Mungiki group, a feared criminal gang in Kenya. Prezzo was battling depression at the time.

In a revealing YouTube interview, Prezzo recounted how he received a call from Andrew, the brother of Mungiki leader Maina Njenga. Andrew told Prezzo that Njenga wanted to meet him, and Prezzo asked why. Andrew simply replied to come to Karen, where everything was ready for him.

Prezzo went to Karen and met with Njenga. Njenga told Prezzo that he knew he was going through a lot, and that he wanted to help him. He offered Prezzo a place to stay, food, and money. Prezzo was desperate, so he accepted Njenga’s offer.

Prezzo soon realized that he had made a mistake. The Mungiki group was involved in all sorts of criminal activities, including extortion, murder, and rape. Prezzo was forced to participate in these activities, and he lived in constant fear.

After a while, Prezzo managed to escape from the Mungiki group. He has since spoken out against the group, and he is now a vocal advocate for mental health awareness.

Prezzo’s story is a cautionary tale about the dangers of gangs and the importance of seeking help for depression. It is also a story of hope and resilience. Prezzo was able to overcome his challenges and build a better life for himself.

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
