
Prezzo hints he has stopped drinking alcohol years after frustrating Betty Kyallo live on KTN

Prezzo has been a slave of alcohol for years. The rapper is best remembered for the January 2016 incident at KTN when he sparked national uproar.

Prezzo turned up at KTN for interview with Betty Kyallo while drunk like a fish. The rapper started flirting with Betty who at the time was still married to Dennis Okari.

He even fondled Betty on live broadcast prompting the KTN anchor to call for a commercial break just to get away from Prezzo.

No more alcohol?

Prezzo has hinted he has stopped drinking liquor for good. The rapper shared a message on social media urging people to stop drinking alcohol.

He also stresses that alcohol is for people who want to forget their misery. He said people drink liquor to forget their misery, poverty and unhappiness.

“Dont spend all your money on women, they have destroyed kings. Kings should not drink wine or have a craving for achohol coz when drunk they forget the laws & forget the people in need. Alchohol is for those who are in mysery in order to forget their mysery, poverty & unhappiness. Point blank period. Blessed & fruitful week ahead fam. Kama kawa kama dawa,” wrote Prezzo.


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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
