
President Uhuru finally speaks after NASA named their flag bearer…they will not like this

And finally after waiting for more 6 months, NASA named their flag bearer Raila Odinga. His deputy is going to be Kalonzo Musyoka and they have introduced 3 more positions in their power sharing deal; that of premier cabinet secretary and his two deputies ie Moses Wetangula and Isaac Ruto.

Also read:Raila Odinga is the NASA flagbearer,this is how their government will look like if they win the 2017 elections

The president has finally spoken about the unveiling by dismissing it as a boyish game which will definitely not yield anything. ” It’s a bunch of people who are only looking to benefit themselves and there was no way they would come close to defeat us”  Uhuru made it very clear.

He was speaking at a rally in Githurai 45 where he commended the residents for voting peacefully.

About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi
