This is the powerful photo of Jaguar that all Kenyans should emulate!
It’s 5 days to the elections and from the stories making rounds on social media, seems that there are a few Kenyans trying to brew issues that are not relevant!
Well, we all saw what happened in 2007/2008 but we refuse to be used again as we are all Kenyans…one blood despite the various tribes we have.
As many fear and try to rush back to their villages…the likes of Jaguar are already getting on their knees to pray for peace and unity in Kenya.
This is something we should all be doing at this point remembering that at the end of the day these politicians promoting disputes will be safe at their posh houses while the rest of us remain struggling with our lives as usual!
Peace and change begins with you! Refuse to be part of violence and shedding of innocent blood!
Checkout Jaguar’s photo: