Popular Star editor Oliver Mathenge celebrates 100 days of alcohol free life
Oliver Mathenge was addicted to the drink but he was lucky enough to sober up in time. He attempted suicide and did other things that hurt his own family.
Just recently president Uhuru Kenyatta’s niece Nana Gecaga revealed she was a recovering alcoholic. Nana said she used to drink up one crate of beer in one sitting every day.
Oliver Mathenge was also in the league of Nana Gecanga. The Star editor says he became a slave to alcohol for two years as he couldn’t function without it.
“For two years, I struggled with the urge to be high and since I do not do any drugs, alcohol was a quick solution. I had given up on life in a manner that pushed me to escape reality and seek to avoid everyday challenges.
“I could not survive a day without alcohol unless I was too hangovered to get out of bed. In between the day in the office, I would go out to have a few shots of whatever drink I thought my system needed. Some Fridays, drinking would start as early as midday and would sometime go on until Sunday (Yes, I would spend two days in bars like that’s all about life).

“I was a slave. It became a routine to leave the office and go to the bar for a number of beers and sometimes a bottle of whisky. I even got to work late on some days after indulging in a bit too much and my productive nosedived. I missed many activities from family obligations to business meetings,” wrote Oliver Mathenge.
No alcohol challenge
Oliver challenged himself to stop drinking alcohol in December 2017. He did not take any alcohol on New Year eve and ultimately started 2018 as a sober man.
“I told myself that if I would go out on December 30th and 31st and not take alcohol, then I should not worry about starting the year sober. And it happened that I woke up on January 1 without having taken alcohol for two days and decided to challenge myself to another 98.
“And here we are. 100 days without alcohol. So what? One may ask.Well, I am still recovering. I am still fixing my family and social relationships (and breaking those that are negatively affecting my life). I am still working to ensure I don’t fail in my job. I am still recovering from debt. But I am doing more gigs than I did in the previous two years. I am pushing milestones at work. I am earning my respect back. I am handling my responsibilities better. In the last three months, I have done much more than I did in two years. I am at a better place with more clarity. I am not yet there but I am sure that I will completely recover from my alcohol addiction and depression. I will be a better man. For now, cheers to not being a slave. And in all things, we give thanks,” wrote Oliver.