
Popular radio presenter lands in trouble after attacking LGBT community

Everyone is free to express their opinion – what they think or feel about something, at least in Kenya. However, it becomes an abuse when you cross boundaries around sensitive topics like race, gender, sexuality, religion…just to mention a few.

The introduction or open revelation of the LGBT community globally received both criticism and love in equal measure from around the globe.

LGBT community

Stemming from cultural values to religious beliefs to one´s origin and tradition that have a different perspective of the new sexuality.

However, in as much as governments, community elders, religious leaders and opinion shapers have drawn the line when it comes to acceptance of the LGBT community, it is not something you publicly condemn.

Case in point

Kenyan renowned radio presenter, Nick Odhiambo is having it rough from netizens over his harsh comments regards the new sexual orientation.

Seasoned radio personality, Nick Odhiambo

It was something as simple as a statement about retired American basketball professional, Magic Johnson´s son who is gay, stating that he would disown his own son, were he to come home dressed like a lady.

According to him, there was nothing as painful as a parent who duly inculcated certain values, beliefs and practices in their child only to later see them trash it all away.

there is nothing as painful as raising a son who decides he wants to be your daughter instead! the Magic is missing in Johnsons eyes

Nick Odhiambo´s post

It just did not add up for him!


Hardly did he know that his comment hard hit hard among his Insta family, some in support, others brutally condemning him for being insensitive.

Fans did not understand just how the Radio Maisha presenter had the audacity to fire back at the new sexuality group with zero apologies to make.

Radio Maisha presenter, Nick Odhiambo

Plus, fans felt he needed to accept his child as he is because well, they tried their best and if that is the space his child feels best to be in, then let him be.

Kenyan media personality Ciku Muiruri articulated that if her daughter were to decide to become a man tomorrow, she would wholly accept her.

If @madame_gachoka decided to become a man tomorrow I’d love her the same. Probably even more, for being brave enough to live her truth. People need to let their kids be. Whether career, spouse choice, orientation or whatever. Let them be. And love them regardless. ????????????

Former radio presenter Ciku Muiruri

Additionally urging the seasoned radio personality to stop his ignorance, wake up and accept today´s reality as it is because he can just do nothing about it.

The least Nick could have done was just support his son. Simple! but that wasn´t just his kind of vibe, I guess?

Radio presenter, Nick Odhiambo

Others advised him to be careful what path he treads on and not be quick to judge because in as much as he can throw stones at other people´s children now, he never knows what the future holds for his child.

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About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
