
Popular mzungu TikToker claims Kikuyu wife left him bankrupt

Frank Rahma, a Kenyan-based Belgian TikToker, has expressed regret for investing his feelings and money in a Kikuyu lady.

In a viral video, Frank, who was previously known as Frank Murugi, said that he is now broke after being with the woman for three years. He believes that he gave too much love to the wrong person.

Frank was married to Murugi, a 22-year-old Kenyan woman, but the two separated in February 2023. They have one daughter together.

Their relationship began to deteriorate after Frank introduced another woman named Rahma as his second wife. He also introduced his other children to Rahma, which is believed to have been the final straw for Murugi.

Frank was a proud polygamous man at the time and used to visit Rahma in Belgium. In a past TikTok video, he said, “I’m back in Belgium to spend some time with my Rahma and my kids. I will be here for three months. I went to Kenya in November 2022 and spent all my time with Murugi and you think Rahma and my kids like that I’m always in Kenya? Murugi shouldn’t complain because I’m always with her. It is now time to be with Rahma and my kids.”

Frank’s statement about being broke after his first marriage failed has raised eyebrows. Some people believe that he is simply trying to get attention, while others believe that he is genuinely struggling financially.

Regardless of the reason for his statement, it is clear that Frank is still dealing with the emotional fallout of his divorce. It remains to be seen how he will move forward from this experience.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
