
Photos of Pastor Pius Muiru’s up country home emerge online and Kenyans can’t stop talking about it

Before the Kiuna’s took over the limelight as the most sought after televangelists, there lived one an by the name Pastor Pius Muiru who had almost all Kenyans under his spell.

Also read: Pastor Pius Muiru’s mother found murdered and buried in a farm after she went missing over the weekend

His church was referred as Maximum Miracle Centre and was thus far the most popular church in Nairobi at the time. I remember the man coming to our village back in the day and everything would come to a standstill; even shops would close down just for the man to do his thing.

For that he made a lot of money and lives large; lime many pastors across the world with mansions and SUV’s under his name. At some point he even contested the presidency.

But speaking of mansion, photos of his up country home have emerged online and they are driving Kenyans up the wall.

Just have a look:

Pastor Pius Muiru

About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi
