
Perhaps Betty Kyallo’s youngest sister should follow in her footsteps and join the media industry

Betty Kyallo’s younger sister, Gloria Kyallo, has been getting a lot of attention lately and I’m beginning to think that she should pursue a career in media. I mean, why not?

Also read: Betty Kyallo’s sister finally confirms she is taken, flaunts promise ring (Video)

I know what you are thinking, that she is different from her sister and that she might have different interests and aspirations but if you think of it, this is not a terrible idea.

Gloria Kyallo

Her sister’s name is really big and this would help her if she was to join the media. To add to that, she also has the looks and a lovely personality – this is something that you can tell if you often watch Betty Kyallo’s YouTube channel.

Others might argue that she does not like the limelight like her sister but with time she might come to like it because let’s be honest, everybody loves attention.

A career in media would be a walk in the park for her not forgetting that she would also have an opportunity to learn and be mentored by one of the best people in the business and that is her sister.

Betty Kyallo (right) with sister, Gloria Kyallo (left)

I don’t know how this would play out but I am assuming that Betty is done with anchoring news after her exit from K24 because naturally, people will gravitate towards the younger Kyallo.

Anyway, I think it will still be interesting if each of them anchored news or hosted programs on different stations so that Kenyans can have a choice.

A few days ago, I watched an interview where Gloria said that she wants to become an animal production specialist or something of the sort and I thought to myself, how boring. No offense though.

Many people would die to be in her shoes and here she is acting uninterested about pursuing a career in media but maybe, she has her own reasons having seen what her sister has had to put up with. Who knows?

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Entertainment news writer. Music lover. [email protected]
