
Pendo embarrassed badly online for buying a vibrator on credit, getting down to using it and then failing to pay for it(screenshots)

Twitter was last night treated to quite a spectacle between reality TV star Pendo and the “vibrating Lawyer” Beverly Munga.

Bev Munga, a certified lawyer who now specializes in selling sexual objects of pleasure like dildos and vibrators called out Pendo for apparently making an order for one of her vibrators and then absconding  payments. Bev claimed she had tried every means to reach Pendo but she was dodging her and thus she decided to go online to expose Pendo for being a con.

And trust me she had no nice things to say as clearly depicted in these screenshots below:





We reached out to Bev Munga who was very pissed by the way and she confirmed that what was circulating the interwebs was indeed true and she was very much willing to divulge details on their dealings. She even shared Pendo’s number and it matched the one we had.

Pendo on the other hand denied the whole story and alleged it was not her; that she wouldn’t do something of the sorts and that the updates were a case of mistaken identity.

I guess they both the know the truth but if you have to something up your vajayjay kindly just pay for it. I bet you wouldn’t want your sponsor to pump you the whole night and not leave at least salon money now would you?

About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi
