
Pastor Pius Muiru Holds Joint Prayer and Healing Service with Pastor Ezekiel Odero

Pastor Pius Muiru, the founder of Maximum Miracle Centre, held a joint prayer and healing service with his mentee, Pastor Ezekiel Odero, on Wednesday, May 17. The service was held at Maximum Miracle Centre, which is located along Latema Road off Tom Mboya Street in Nairobi’s central business district.

The service was attended by a large crowd of people, who came seeking healing and deliverance from various problems. Pastor Muiru and Pastor Odero prayed for the people and laid hands on them, and many people reported feeling better afterwards.

Pastor Muiru is a well-known figure in Kenya, and he has been preaching for over three decades. He is known for his fiery sermons and his ability to connect with people on a personal level. Pastor Odero is also a well-known figure, and he is known for his healing ministry.

The joint prayer and healing service was a success, and it is clear that Pastor Muiru and Pastor Odero are both powerful men of God. The service was a reminder that God is still working in the world, and that He is able to heal and deliver people from all kinds of problems.

Here are some additional details about the service:

  • The service began with a time of praise and worship.
  • Pastor Muiru and Pastor Odero then preached about the power of prayer and healing.
  • After the sermon, Pastor Muiru and Pastor Odero prayed for the people and laid hands on them.
  • Many people reported feeling better afterwards.
  • The service ended with a time of thanksgiving.

The joint prayer and healing service was a powerful reminder of God’s love and His power to heal. It was also a reminder that we are not alone in our struggles, and that we can always turn to God for help.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
