
Pastor Ng’ang’a Warns Daughters: “You’ll Be Sent Away if You Have a Child in My Home” [VIDEO]

Pastor James Ng’ang’a recently shared a humorous yet firm message with his daughters, emphasizing that having children while still living in his home is unacceptable.

In his sermon, delivered with his usual mix of humor and strong advice, Pastor Ng’ang’a recalled telling his daughters, “If you have a child while staying in my house, you’ll need to move out. We can still see each other, but any support will be provided from outside. You can’t raise a child in my house and then bring another one, calling them my grandchildren. Whose grandchildren? I’m a grandchild myself! I didn’t get saved for that.”


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His words sparked a wave of reactions online, with many praising his straightforward approach. One user commented, “He’s absolutely right. That’s how it should be,” while another noted, “Always the man of the people.” Many found his delivery amusing, with some calling him “the best comedian we have as a country.”

Pastor Ng’ang’a also voiced concerns that young women who have children out of wedlock while living with their parents might end up having children with different fathers.

“If you follow the right path, I’ll welcome you. If you’re married, your children can visit. But if one daughter brings a child home, the next might feel it’s okay to do the same, leading to a spoiled generation,” he added.


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The reactions online were a mix of agreement and humor, with one person joking, “Mimi mwenyewe ni mjukuu😂😂” and another saying, “But he has a point 💯.”

You can watch the full video below:


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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
