
Pastor Ng’ang’a forces daughter to beg Kenyans for medical aid after neglecting to help grandson

The firstborn child of contentious Pastor James Ng’ang’a, Naomi Wangari Maina, is contacting Kenyans in an attempt to raise money for her six-year-old son Jonathan Wise, who is facing a serious case of B-ALL leukaemia.
Jonathan’s medical adventure started shortly after his birth on January 20, 2018, when he was diagnosed with bilateral retinoblastoma, a rare form of eye cancer, according to medical files seen by Nairobi News.
At just six weeks old, the disease had advanced dramatically in one eye, necessitating an immediate inoculation treatment.
Over the next three years, the young boy’s chemotherapy became a habit, involving regular trips to the operating room and three weeks of anaesthesia.

The left eye cancer stopped responding to chemotherapy in late 2020, which led to a referral for specialist care to India. The fundraising was successfully organised by the family, and Jonathan had brachytherapy treatments in India.
But they had to wait a long time until the government planned their departure in May 2020 because of the COVID-19 lockdown.
Following his return, Jonathan completed six additional theatre reviews as part of his medical journey.
Jonathan faced additional difficulties in 2023 as he fought fever, low blood, and platelet counts. These issues required numerous hospital stays and examinations, including bone marrow biopsies.
The most recent setback happened on Monday, November 20, when Jonathan’s routine paediatrician evaluation resulted in a B-ALL leukaemia diagnosis.

Jonathan faced additional difficulties in 2023 as he fought fever, low blood, and platelet counts. These issues required numerous hospital stays and examinations, including bone marrow biopsies.
The most recent setback happened on Monday, November 20, when Jonathan’s routine paediatrician evaluation resulted in a B-ALL leukaemia diagnosis.
After experiencing financial hardship during Jonathan’s medical journey, the family is now pleading with people, groups, and well-wishers to step forward and aid Jonathan in his battle with leukaemia.
Naomi respectfully asks for help to make sure her son gets the care he needs, highlighting the potentially fatal consequences of opportunistic infections, low blood and platelet counts, and inadequate nutrition.
Upon being approached, Pastor Ng’ang’a stated that he thinks about the issue outside of his current scope.
“At this time, I would rather not

“At this moment, I prefer not to be linked to that particular case. I have my reservations regarding it,” he said.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
