
Pastor Mackenzie farmed “skuma wiki” on the mass graves at Shakahola

A Senate committee has learned that pastor Paul Mackenzie went to great lengths to hide the graves of his followers who died of starvation.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki told the committee that Mackenzie planted vegetables on some of the graves, while others were buried inside houses. This has made it difficult for security agencies to identify all of the graves.

Kindiki said that a total of 40 new unopened graves have been identified in Shakahola, and that security agencies suspect that they could be holding multiple bodies. As of Monday evening, a total of 350 bodies have been recovered.

The slow pace of the investigation is due in part to the fact that security agencies are adhering to Geneva Protocols on the processing of mass graves and scenes of crime where atrocities were committed.

Kindiki said that the government is committed to finding all of the graves and bringing those responsible to justice.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
