
Pastor Ezekiel’s tax compliance certificate leaked

Image: Pastor Ezekiel Odero's :Photo credits

Pastor Ezekiel is currently under seige and he is under investigation by the Government of Kenya who have claimed he is a cult leader perhaps involved in organ trafficking. It’s tricky business for every party involved and has quickly turned into a political affair (like everything involving wealthy individuals in Kenya).

In a bid to turn public perception in his favour, the pastor has released his tax compliance certificate but sharp-eyed Kenyans were quick to point out:

What you are not telling people: New life is only registered for Income Tax – Company obligation. It is not registered for Income Tax – PAYE therefore, hasn’t been filing/ remitting PAYE. Same applies to registration for Value Added Tax (VAT). Watu si wajinga buana!

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
