
Pastor Ezekiel Odero’s Sunday service at Kasarani stadium proves Kenyans are desperate for God’s touch

Image: Pastor Ezekiel Odero's :Photo credits

Pastor Ezekiel Odera of New Life Church in Mombasa city has been the talk of town since saturday thanks to his crisades that saw kenyans travel from different parts of the country all in the name of ‘kurudishiwa Nyota walio Nyang’anywa na adui’ and judging from the photos…..seems like many kenyans feel that someone ‘bewitched them’ which explains why they turned up for prayers.

Pastor Ezekiel Odero’s
:Photo credits

Saturday prayers

My sources tell me that on Saturday – the preacher spoke on broken marriages and mpango wa kando that has many women and men living in pain. From his prophesies….the preacher spoke destruction that is ‘women who have stolen other peoples husbands and are expecting children out of wedlock should die’ and i am thinking…..okay wait…

The God from my Bible isn’t one of vengeance and as a human or rather a vessel of God…(no matter how many miracles you’ve performed…..as human, on whose authority are you passing judgement?)

Pastor Ezekiel Odera
:Photo credits

But again…the said pastor has ‘restored‘ marriages etc….amd having his church service air on National TV means many kenyans have witnessed him perform miracles; and having faced difficukt time since Covid-19….most have turned to God for breakthroughs.

Sunday prayers

Well…i know some of the readers probably follow him or actually believe in him – but remember this is my opinion on the services preacher Ezekiel Odero held during his visit to Nairobi.

Okay apart from those seeking prayers for broken families….I also learnt that there are those who had their ailing relatives discharged from hospital and taken to Kasarani for prayers….only for them to be returned back to the same hospitals they’d been discharged – hoping the pastor would heal them.

Crowd attends Pastor Ezekiel Odero’s Sunday service

Well, not that i am here to attack men or women of God….but of you ask those who attended or even watched the service live on TV… chances are that youll learn vitu kwa ground ni different and just as you were born alone….in this life, it’s you and your God.

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
