
“They have been paid to finish me” City Pastor cries out after receiving life threatening messages

Image: Pastor Godfrey Migwi

Godfrey Migwi is not a new name in the entertainment industry. He is a pastor who has been seen to be pretty much interested with how things are being run in the country and if I am not wrong, he happened to predict who would win the election before coming out to seek for prayers after he revealed that the opposition party leaders were using witchcraft to finish Uhuru Kenyatta’s leadership skills.

In that specific post, he claimed that God had revealed several things that had been plotted against the sitting president and went on to ask the nation to pray with him in order to defeat the powers of the evil one.

According to him, not even the powers of the devil will make him spot for running away yet God is the one who is using him to bring change in this nation before God turns his face away fro us. He wrong saying;

Pastor Migwi’s post

Below are some of the comments he has been receiving.

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
