Ouch! Edgar Obare’s savage clap-back after Bridget Achieng calls him out for refusing to promote her bleaching creams
Image: Bridget Achieng Edgar ObareBlogger Edgar Obare and Bridget Achieng seem to have an ongoing beef as revealed in an interview done by the former socialite. Apparently sometime back, Bridget Achieng approached Edgar Obare’s marketing tea hoping they would help advertise her bleaching creams.
However, things did not work out as Bridget Achieng expected since of all people Edgar Obare chose not to market the creams. Well, not because he is jealous or is picky in terms of who he wants to work with; but because Edgar Obare does not support the girl child altering her looks by getting rid of the melanin!
The blogger revealed this in a post shared on his page where he stated that it’s better off to sell sex toys for self pleasure; than sell creams that will ruin a customers skin or worse expose them to skin diseases that may result to cancer. He wrote;
Also read: Bridget Achieng should stop playing the blonde socialite trope
At BNN we believe in self love and care, we’d rather promote bleaching creams and we have never promote such products!!
Bridget Achieng bad mouthing Edgar
This comes shortly after a video showing an interview between Bridget Achieng; and a certain media personality where she not only called Edgar a clout chaser; but shamed him for refusing to market her stuff. Bridget Achieng is heard saying;
Also read: “My p*ssy has a price tag!” Bridget Achieng
I have a problem with Edgar Obare because he refused to market my product.
About the kidnap story, I think he’s just clout chasing. Angefinywa izo balls vizuri hangekaa hapo akisema sijui alifanywa nini, so for me I’m not buying that story
Not quite sure who is chasing clout here but when you look closely; you’ll be able to spot the celebrity who has not been making news for the longest time.