
Online users are ecstatic about Raymond Nduga and Doris’ breakup

Raymond Nduga, the lawyer who gained notoriety after a video allegedly showing him assaulting his wife circulated on social media, recently shared a post that brought joy to many netizens.

Earlier today, the businessman posted a photo of himself with a lady he introduced as his new ‘wife.’ This post followed a picture shared by Doris on her updated account, where a fan referred to her as a billionaire wife, prompting her to ask which one.

Doris’s response delighted netizens, and many congratulated her on this development.

Eva Siamanta: I like this response. You’re worth more mama.

Mercy Ruth Nyar Mwalimu: aaah am now happy… one step at a time jaber…

In late September 2023, a disturbing video of the former couple surfaced, leading to widespread discontent about Raymond’s treatment of Doris. Netizens called for intervention from authorities and urged Doris to leave the marriage.

Despite these pleas, Doris chose to ignore the advice, even from her father, and defended Raymond, asking everyone else to let them be.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
