
Old and recent photos Chris Kirubi posed with Joho show how the billionaire is recovering impressively 

Chris Kirubi was sick for a long time. He was flown to the United States for specialized treatment sometimes in November 2017 and he disappeared from the public scene until March 2018 when his photo surfaced online.

Also read: Shocking photo of Chris Kirubi looking too skinny, is his health deteriorating?

The billionaire publicly talked about his health in May this year when Raila Odinga visited him at his Nairobi home. He appreciated Raila’s visit adding that he was a true friend.

“It’s historical for me, I have been unwell for a long time and friends have been coming to see me but it has never been great pleasure as welcoming Mr Odinga here. And I know now who are true friends of mine,” said Chris Kirubi when Raila visited him at his Loresho home.

Mombasa governor Ali Hassan Joho also visited Chris Kirubi at his Coast residence in June 2018.

Hassan Joho and Chris Kirubi. The photo was taken in June 2018
Hassan Joho and Chris Kirubi. The photo was taken in June 2018

Chris Kirubi is recovering quite well, the billionaire appears to be in good health in a recent photo he posed with Hassan Joho. The photo was taken on July 18th 2018.

Hassan Joho and Chris Kirubi. The photo was taken on July 18th 2018
Hassan Joho and Chris Kirubi. The photo was taken on July 18th 2018

“Happy to meet my good friend Chris Kirubi in great spirit. I wish him well. The mega investment that Centum Investment is undertaking at the Coast is highly welcome,” wrote Hassan Joho.

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
