
Okari is sneering at Hassan Joho’s woes while Betty Kyallo is totally devastated…. Hilarious memes from Twitter trend #JohoGrilling (Photos)

Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho yesterday March 29th made his way to DCI offices in Mombasa after he was summoned by police to record statement on his academic certificates, the national examinations body disowned his result slip as a forgery.

The Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) wrote to the Director of Criminal Investigations claiming the 1992 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) result slip belonging to Joho had been forged.

Knec acting chief executive officer, Ms M G Karogo, in a confidential statement of results addressed to the DCI, confirmed that a certain Ali Hassan sat his KCSE at Serani Secondary School in 1993 and scored a mean grade of D-.

While Joho was recording statement at the police, Kenyans on Twitter were busy cracking jokes on #JohoGrilling.

Several tweets and memes were posted making fun of the situation that befell the Mombasa governor. Check out the tweets and memes below:

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
