Octopizzo made a fool of himself by supporting MCSK
Does anyone remember when Octopizzo came out to vociferously defend MCSK after artists had taken up arms against the body when they previously declared paltry royalties for them?
Octopizzo defends MCSK over ‘peanut’ payments, partly blames Diamond [Interview]
I know Khaligraph Jones and Otile brown remember. I do too. And now he is left looking not only foolish but a lot like someone who was compromised. And that is the worst thing you can ever seem to be in a fraternity that depends on their unity for a collective bargaining agreement to be struck.

The turncoat has since been silent and I would have preferred to see Octopizzo come out and own his misspoken statements and perhaps even begin to build a bridge because, at the end of the day, he too is affected by the mismanagement of funds over at MCSK.
Octopizzo, several other artists join MCSK to celebrate collective management day
With all the information coming to light, it could be easy for him to decide that silence is his ally but in reality, it is nothing close. Namba Nane‘s finest needs to actually take responsibility for his statements which went as far as to call out his peers and colleagues. Or perhaps he was misinformed and as a result he spoke off erroneous facts? Whatever the case may be, he needs to lend his voice to the collective cacophony of noises being made in protest over what MCSK has been exposed as having continued -graft.
Homie legitimately needs to read the room and decide to stand on the right side of history. When you have your peers making heartfelt pleas like the one Otile Brown made:
“Usiwahi post picha yangu mbovu,” an angry Octopizzo publicly blasts King Kaka
I feel you’re pain my brother @willy.paul.msafi Hakika nimelia
Mheshimiwa Rais @ukenyatta heshima yako . Samahani! Nina machache ya kusema endapo yatakufikia ???? Mimi ni msani Mzalendo wa mziki wa kizazi kipya toka hapa nchini nafahamika kama Otilebrown na
Kutokana na utafiti tunafahamu fika kua nchi hii yetu ya kenya ???????? ni nchi yenye changa moto za ukosefu wa ajira kwa vijana .Alhamdulilah! “ Wengine” tumejaaliwa vipaji vinavyotuwezesha kujipa kipato kidogo kupitia tasnia ya mziki , tumejitengenezea ajira bila usaidizi wowote wa
Serikali na bado huwa tunalipa ushuru inavyostahili bila kulalama …Chakusikitisha nikua bado hatupati tunachostahili , viongozi na wasimamizi wanatupora nakutudhulumu wakati wengi wetu tumetoka kwenye familia za kimaskini na tunategemewa kiasi kikubwa… Swali langu ni wasimamizi wa MCSK baada ya kukiri na kukubali mashtaka, ni hatua gani watachukuliwa?? Tungependa kuona wamefungwa gerezani na mali zao kuchukuliwa na kurudishwa kwenye tasnia ya sanaa .. kama kweli tuna utu na tunataka mabadiliko kwenye nchi yetu.. Inauma sanaa mheshimiwa Rais @ukenyatta
Sahii kwanzia January inasemekana kuwa serikali inataka kuanza kututoza ushuru kupita mtandao wa YouTube ambao tumekua tukitegemea baada ya kutukata tamaa na viongozi waliokataa kutupatia haki yetu na kutudhulumu hadharani ????♂️ Bila woga. Nahisi umefika wakati wanatukatisha tamaa , tumetengwa na hakuna anayetujali hata kile kidogo cha kulisha familia zetu kinachukuliwa.
I love my country ???????? Mwenyezi mungu tusimamie ????
Mheshimiwa Rais @ukenyatta .. we’re not asking for anything from the government but to be given, what is rightfully ours .. please please please !!!!????
Octopizzo, you do not want to remain in the bracket of the turncoat. Careers have ended for less and legacy have been tainted by much less.
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