Siasa moto moto: Octopizzo vs Khaligraph Jones fight over ending Covid19 lockdown
Image: Khaligraph Jones confesses that he is ready to work with OctopizzoOctopizzo has decided to be the consummate contrarian and has begun attacking Khaligraph Jones for his stand on whether or not to open the country and whether or not to open up the economy to allow Kenyans to get back to earning a living.
Octopizzo is not wrong about Kenyans not supporting our own but…
You see, in all fairness, they both have great reasons backing their arguments. Khaligraph Jones wants to alleviate entertainers’ financial suffering which would also allow all the people who work within the entertainment sector to get back to gainful employment.

Octopizzo, on the other hand, seems to be intimately familiar with 50 grandmothers in Kibera who have succumbed to the deaths being caused by Covid19. And so to him, the country is under lockdown for the sake of such “at-risk” demographies.
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But the truth as they say, is somewhere in between both arguments. Yes, the elderly are indeed dying in droves when exposed to Covid19 but at the same time, the millennial generation and a lot of Gen Z members who aren’t susceptible to Covid19 unless there are underlying circumstances that exacerbate their health situations when exposed to it are more at risk from financial ruin.

So what is one to do? Where should one lean in this clash of the titans? With Octopizzo or Khaligraph Jones? Should we expose the youth to financial ruin or should we instead leave the responsibility to take care of themselves to the elderly and obese?
Octopizzo made a fool of himself by supporting MCSK
I am of the opinion that there is both a shallow and deeper reason for the Octopizzo and Khaligraph schism of thought on the matter and how to handle things. For starters, Octo is salty that he was not invited by the OG to be part of the think tank formed to chart a course for how entertainers can be aided. That is the petty reason. And as a result, he is selfishly allowing his fee-fees and ego to lead him on.

The other reason is the clear political lines being drawn up for the elections due next year. Khaligrapph Jones reached out to both Raila Odinga and William Ruto but it was the latter who reached out and not the former who is a member of his ethnic community. Octopizzo on the other hand is leaning towards the argument being pushed by Raila Odinga.
Did Khaligraph Jones sell out or is this smart political play?
I suspect they are both (whether knowingly or ignorantly) entrenching themselves as features of the political schism that will play out between these two principle figures. Octopizzo will try and ingratiate himself to Raila thinking that was what Khaligraph Jones was doing with Ruto.
Octopizzo can pretend to having lofty reasons for standing by Covid19 lockdowns but he doesn’t really make money from the local Kenyan entertainment scene. He has international donors who keep him financially afloat. Khaligraph Jones is the more popular of the two and he makes his money from the local entertainment scene. Perhaps this tidbit of information will help you further understand why the two cannot see things from the same point of view. But at the end of the day, while Khaligraph has attempted to provide a way forward, all Octo has done is complain and bitch. So if all you like doing is to complain, you know with whom you stand.
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