
Ochungulo Family Send Message To Fans After Splitting Up

Ochungulo Family was without a doubt one of the best Gengetone group in the country. No one could think that this group would ever split. However, they have now made it official that they have gone their separate ways.

In addition, they have sent a gratitude message to all their fans who supported them and their music.

Image result for ochungulo family

”To all our Fans… We wanna say Thank you for the support you have given us the past for few years. You have been good to us, God has been good to us & the music has been good to us. We have reached a point we have different goals & targets. So the decision of us splitting is a mutual feeling and we saw that as the best way forward. Again, Thank you so much for the support!!! We shall meet again. God bless you all.”

Some of their fans expressed how disappointed they were about the split up.

”The only group I thought will never split.”

”You were the best group of the wave hands down…best of luck to each of you…”

Image result for ochungulo family

What Next?

Additionally, the group’s songs were all deleted from YouTube and Nelly the Goon took over the channel. No member of the group has talked about his next move. However, before they met up, they were all doing solo music. Most of their fans are still in shock and wonder if they’ll do music or not.

Change is inevitable. All we can do is wish each one of them good luck in their next endeavors.


About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
