Nyota Ndogo has now faced the wrath of Kenyans who believe that her stunt was just one of the subtle means artists use to clout chase. The Coast-based musician recently gave new information insinuating that her mzungu hubby Henning Nielsen has not been happy after seeing her move on.
Nyota Ndogo introduced her new Kenyan boyfriend on 1st of this month with a message of accepting to move on.
Kwani mtu anachukua mda gani kupenda tena? Kupenda ni moyo jamani niacheni mtoto toli kanimaliza sijui nimtag mumjue”
Nyota Ndogo’s new catch-IG
Her revelation sparked heated debate among netizens on how fast she has moved on; without officially divorcing her mzungu husband.
A few days later, Nyota Ndogo wrote on her Instagram to claim that Henning wasn’t done with her and didn’t want her to move on.
”Yani mimi huyu ameninunia toka April lakini sheria za dini yetu kidogo anazikumbuka… mume wangu amerudi tu baada ya kuona picha zetu tukiwa hoteli tumeshikana mauno na ndio ameleta Sasa zogo na Kusema hajaniwacha na siwezi ku move on kama sijapewa talaka na hajawacha kuniudumia…”
Following her sentimental statement, fans have called her out for clout chasing since she recently released a song. Reactions from the comment section says it all.
One of her fans wrote;
”Kiki hatuendi YouTube ngo”
In addition, Nyota Ndogo also claimed to have already been introduced to her in-laws from her new Kenyan boyfriend. But from her statement, it’s needless to say that she has not yet moved on.