
Nyashinki wins Lillian Muli’s heart

Lillian Muli has been smitten with secular singer – Nyashinki, the beautiful Citizen TV anchor couldn’t hide her feeling any more.

Nyashinki is perhaps the most romantic man in Kenya because ladies just can’t get enough of him especially after her dropped his new single dubbed ‘Malaika’,

The singer has won the hearts of Kenyans with his new romantic song, Lillian Muli is among those who have been smitten with Nyashinki.

“Uko na tabia za kupendeza roho…Tabasamu ya kupapasa macho….Sauti yako nikiiskia pia natulia yanipunguzia hasira nazo….Urembo wako ulininasa roho…” Nyashinki sings in his song.

Lillian Muli couldn’t hide her feelings, she took to social media to tell Nyashinki how she feels about his new romantic song.

“@realshinski Malaika I am so in Love with this song this is so beautifully written and sang,” Lillian Muli wrote on Instagram.

Watch ‘Malaika’ in the video below:

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
