
NTV gives Larry Madowo extra airtime to inject life into new show after he quit the Trend

Larry Madowo will be on your screens for a longer time starting this Wednesday. The NTV journalist has directed his energy to a new show after he quit the Trend.

Nation Media has indeed acknowledged that Larry Madowo has the Midas touch, the extra airtime they gave Larry proves this assumption.

Larry Madowo took over the Trend in December 2012 and made it to be the dopest and most watched entertainment show in Kenya. Larry however quit the Trend a fortnight ago and now it’s clear what plans his bosses had for him.

Apparently Nation media honchos want Larry to work his magic on the relatively new political show Sidebar. Larry has been given extra airtime to inject life into Sidebar – just like he was given extra airtime when ratings for The Trend skyrocketed.

“Starting tonight and every Wednesday on @ntvkenya, our show #Sidebar gains an extra hour at 10pm. So we’re on at 8pm & 10pm because there’s lots to cover in these extraordinary times and we want to get through all of it. Tonight, Senator Joy Gwendo & MP Junet Mohammed will join me at 8pm. At 10pm, I’ve got Senators Mutula Kilonzo Junior & Kipchumba Murkomen. Let’s do this, shall we?” Larry Madowo announced.

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
