
Nobody Wanted To Talk To Me Because I Was Broke- VDJ Jones Reminisces Campus Life With Throwback Photo

James Achido Onyango alias VDJ Jones is without a doubt one of the top deejays and music video directors in Kenya.

Starting from the bottom and rising to become one of the biggest names in the industry, VDJ Jones has had his fair share of struggle and is not ashamed to relive the moments.

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VDJ Jones with gengetone artists Swat and Odi Wa Murang’a-Google

Reminiscing about his campus life in Multimedia University, the DJ states that his classmates were not talking to him because he was a broke nobody;

”Only God knows our futures. Usijichoche sana ukidhani ni uwezo wako, always be grateful for every step in life.
This is 7 years back at Multimedia University. Back then hata kuna watu hawangenibongesha daro juu I was a broke nobody. ????????Lakini Sahii wanashinda “bro”
Nwei ya Mungu ni Mengi, ya kuku ni mayai..follow @superstar_sounds_ke

He graduated from multimedia university with a degree in journalism. His passion for music elevated him to the top.

”My first DJ set nilipata in 2010 after kumaliza Form Four; my dad ndio alinibuyia my first set. The same person mwenye hakuwa anataka ni DJ, alinibuyia headphones and a hard disc as a present. Alikuwa amenichallenge nikipass exams nitapata the set…”

The DJ is currently one of Gengetone’s biggest proteges. He has also featured in several hit songs of the genre.

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
