
Njuguna speaks of winning prestigious YouTube award

Comedian Timothy Njuguna received a prestigious YouTube award early this month. He was only among five Kenyan brands to be feted with the award.

Njugush won YouTube Silver Play Button Award which act as recognition by YouTube of its most popular channels.  The Silver Play Button Award is given to YouTube content creators who reach or surpass the 100,000 subscriber mark.

Other YouTube awards include the Gold and Diamond Creator Award, presented for 1 million subscribers and 10 million subscribers respectively.

Njugush has over 120,000 subscribers now on his YouTube channel which he only activated a year ago. He attracted more subscribers as he generates hilarious content that appeals to many.

You don’t have to be under anyone
Njuguna at Radio Jambo studio
Njuguna at Radio Jambo studio

Speaking on winning the award, Njuguna says YouTube has enabled him to be a content producer without being under anyone anymore.

“That award means that people are watching YouTube content, unlike earlier on, when you had to be under a production house for people to view your content, which I think was limiting young people to express freely. Young people out there have everything it takes to give content on YouTube. It was even a plus to me especially to get the award from my former boss Abel Mutua. That means you can be a content producer and you don’t have to be under anyone,” Njuguna told Word Is.



About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
