
Njaa Itauwaa Wasanii Kabla Corona! Why Jalang’o Is Advicing Artists To Move Out Of Nairobi Immediately

Lockdown and curfew in some areas have barred several artists from getting shows and events. Those who solely depend on it for a living have suffered immensely. The extension of lockdown to next month (May) has forced most people to look for alternative ways to make a living.

Comedian and radio presenter Jalang’o has advised artists and DJs and comedians to move out of the capital immediately. Jalang’o admonished them on his Instagram page saying;

”Dear art industry if you fully depend on art or performance to eat please plan and leave Nairobi now! Go get the jab, apply for the pass and just go! 29th May is far and we are not sure if they will open…just go utakufa hapa Nairobi!!”

The comedian says there are more opportunities in areas not locked down. He continued;

”We have places opened and operating in Mombasa , Kisumu , Kisii, Kericho , malindi, wherever…Just plan and go! They need your talent! Book your events out of Nairobi!! Go!! I swear watu wanaumia! Even well established artists and Djs !! Watu nyumba zinafungwa, artists are hungry! Depression is checking in!! Go! Njaa itauwaa wasanii kabla Corona!! Go accept the small pay, small gigs and build a new audience!! Eldoret, Kitale, Kakamega, Busia are all opened!! Just go!!
when you get there adhere to covid protocols..wapelekee talent sio ugonjwa!!
Meanwhile Dj creme alikuwa mjanja kitambo yuko kericho!!

Most artists supported Jalang’o on this issue, and termed it as sad, but true.

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
