Nick Odhiambo and wife mourn 3 day old son, Kyeon
There is nothing worse than losing a child you’ve carried to full term. As parents you get attached to the little one even before meeting them; and I can only imagine how bad it feels to hold a child you prayed for while growing in your womb only to lose them after 36 hours.
Well, Nick Odhiambo and his significant other are currently in mourning after the losing 3 day old, Kyeon. A precious soul that gifted to them only to lose him days after.
The pain must be immense that is judging from a touch post shared by the Radio Maisha presenter; where he mourned his baby boy saying;
What a short lived joy!
Born Friday 25th June- 28th June 2021…been celebrating you and giving mom space to heal Then am told you were buried yesterday..and just seen your new home! #RiPSoN I have cried my eyes out asking why? Lil’Kyeon Loudly crying face

Mungai Mbaya and girlfriend in mourning
The sad news comes barely days after Tyler Mbaya (Baha Machachari) and girlfriend lost their month old son, lyric.
The young couple announced the sad news through Mo Aisha’s (the mum) page where she wrote;
I’m literally shaking typing this because I’m still in shock. I can’t believe my baby is gone and I’m never going to see him. He fought so hard to stay with us but he was in too much pain,he decided it was time for him to rest. I’ve decided to show his face today because so many people loved him without even knowing him or how he looked like. He is the most handsome and beautiful baby I’ve ever seen. He was such a happy and peaceful baby and I’m so glad I got to meet and know him for that one month.
The bereaved mother went on to add;

He turned a month old today but he couldn’t go any further. I had so many plans for him and it really hurts that I’ll never get to see them through with him. I can’t believe my son is gone???????????? Yaani I’m still in shock and denial,I even feel like vomiting my guts out. I’ve never dealt with loss in my life before and this hits home so bad.