
Nazizi explains why she is stretching out her earlobes (Photo)

Nazizi has opened up to explain why she wants her earlobes to stretch out like of Maasai women; and women from the Mumbi who found beauty in expanding their lobes.

In a detailed post shared by Ms Nazizi, she started off by sharing a little history about her origin; and surprisingly, turns out that Nazizi is mixed. She opened up about this saying;

Nazizi Hirji's son
Nazizi Hirji’s son

Thought I’d share a little bit of my family history and origin of my name. My Father @firozhirji is half Indian and half Tanzanian. His father came from Kolkata and his mother from Mbozi which is in Mbeya , Southern Tanzania. He named me after his grandmother. Na is the title for the first born daughter followed by their mother’s name .

Meaning is Nazizi

According to Nazizi, her parents fortunately gave her a Swahili name when everybody else was busy giving their kids English names. For this reason, she remains attached to her roots and culture; something not many youths can brag about;


The literal meaning of my name is Na ( first born daughter of..) zizi ( root in kiswahili) . Hence I am the first born daughter of root. That’s why I’m super proud to be the ROOTS DAUGHTER. I’m so proud that my parents gave me an African name in those times when English names were the norm.

Reasons for stretching her earlobes

Explaining why she wants to have large earlobes, Nazizi shared a photo of her old grandmother; the lady she is said to have taken after and went on to say;

So many people have asked me why I’m Expanding my ears. My answer CULTURE. My grandmother and my greatgrandma Nazizi had theirs ears expanded traditionally.

And lastly;

Being mixed race I always struggled with identity and never felt like I fit in anywhere but I always sought to connect with all the cultures I come from. I will soon share the story on my double nose piercing. Swipe left to see the Original NAZIZI.

Nazizi’s grandmother

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
