
Nana Owiti In Sombre Mood As She Reminisces How Loss Of Her Mum Immensely Affected Her

Media personality Nana Owiti has shared touching details on how the loss of her mother greatly affected her and her younger sister. The former Switch TV Presenter took to her gram to pen an all-inclusive message of the horror they had to face after the loss.

She posted a throwback photo of herself & her sister, now all grown up, and proceeded to caption;

Believe it or not the first picture was taken on one of the DARKEST day of our lives. Less than 2 hrs after laying our mom to rest???? The uncontrollable aftermath of death and loss ????
That’s my sister @portiahagusu and I(My hands cannot go over her shoulders anymore ????)

..Look at us standing there in blinking horror staring at the empty hole that is our life. The dawn of a new reality and new normal in its wake.. Body shock all over.
Our hearts crushed,wounded and heavier than lead. Our eyes saddened ???? , our minds troubled, our thoughts deep ????, our throats plagued with the big lumps,our chests with the voids, our fingers fidgety, our bodies restless, our feet shaky..
There I was.. a teenager thrown into limbo of not only raising myself but quickly fitting into my mother’s shoes by raising a 9yr old and taking care of a home….”

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She continued to share a heartfelt advice to fans to cherish every moment with their loved ones- wishing her mum would be there to witness her tremendous success;

”Cherish the moments. Make memories coz after all is said and done-That’s what will be left when someone goes to the other side. Also, trauma permanently changes us. You will never be the old you FULL STOP. To all those that beat trauma, You are a WINNER. It’s not easy,I know but Aluta Continua.

Anyway, We did it Mom. I know we make you proud mwiitu wa Nzomo. I just know…”


About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
