
How Nameless and Wahu managed to keep their marriage a success

Nameless and Wahu recently celebrated 20 years of being in the entertainment game aswell as the fact they have remained married and I was so happy to see that they have made it to a landmark anniversary.

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You see, they are quite the anomaly being the outliers (and a small one at that) who have managed to get into entertainment, be at the pinnacle of that world and still be married and have a healthy relationship that has allowed them to raise their children together in a loving and stable home.

Nameless, Wahu

Nameless and Wahu have not had a relationship that was not rocked by controversy though, they just managed to keep the ship steady and moving forward. And the real reason for their success is privacy.

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You see, when they started out, there was no really invasive social media. And the tabloids were toothless dogs so any of their scandals were merely rumours heard by people either attached to entertainment or keen fans who bothered to try and track their every movements.

Nameless, Wahu
Casual photo of Nameless and Wahu on simple date night at local restaurant elicits mixed reactions

That is how privacy helped them. Because the issue was not a lack of scandal. On Nameless part it was the rumoured link to Pinky Ghelani. On Wahu’s part is was the rumoured dalliance with tanzanian star Chege of Wanaume TMK. But they were able to keep things private because social media was not really a thing back in the small 2000s and they were never the ostentatious type so a lot of their tribulations flew under the radar.

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Nameless and Wahu fixed their things and did so on the down low and only ever seemed to celebrate their wins and love publicly. They knew that their vows were to each other and only the pair of them could make things work the way they envisioned it.

Nameless, Wahu
Wahu and Nameless having a couples´ spa treatment at the Bamboo Ocean spa, Pride Inn resort

And this is a lesson in and of itself because this is the number one issue a lot of Kenyan couples have faced and it destroyed them.

Watu Hutoka Mbali! Wahu Shares Throwback Photo With Hubby Nameless And Their First Born (Photo)

The second thing that helped Nameless and Wahu become a success story in the area of sustaining a relationship while being celebrities is that they never tried to humiliate each other. We do not know whether one or the other cheated and that is because they respect each other to keep such things private if indeed they happened. And Namelss never took his frustration with his marriage to the press nor did Wahu. they kept their business between them.

Nameless, Wahu
Nameless with wifey, Wahu

The final reason why they are a model couple to emulate is that they remained focused on what they were building. They focused on their young family after they got married and their daughter Tumiso came about. From there, they doubled down on building. Nameless focused on his architecture firm even as he continued to release bangers because he knew he would have to carry the bulk of the financial load and entertainment in Kenya is not where it is at.

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Wahu on her part is a trained mathematician and entrepreneur who focused on doing what needed to be done to make enough to contribute to their family’s economic placement. She knew she had to be part of her husbands team and team players must carry their own weight.

Meanwhile, your favourite celebrity is busy airing all his relationship issues on Instagram for a few corporate gigs and his reality show to be interesting and putting his relationship at constant risk.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
