
Nairobi woman who died in botched breast surgery enlargement blogged about being ready to die

The death of June Wanza Mulupi continues to puzzle many. The mother of three passed on after a botched surgery to increase the size of her breasts.

The surgery left June with a punctured intestines which caused serious infection. She passed away on Friday as doctors at Nairobi Hospital struggled to save her life.


June loved blogging about food and life. In January 2016 she wrote something strange about death in an article titled ‘Make the most of your time on earth’.

“Where he (husband) comes from, they treat corpses as if they still have life, that’s why they will carry it to the home of the deceased a few days before they bury the body, so they can ‘hang’ around it,” wrote June in part.

June further urged people to leave a legacy before they die;

“How long it takes before your forgotten is solely dependent on the impact you made in this life… Ultimately in the end, may our families be better because we were a part of them. May our neighborhoods and schools be better because of our involvement. And may our world be left in a better condition for future generations because we were a part of this one. Question is: What mark are you leaving?” Wrote June.



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Martin Oduor

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