
Nadia Mukami proves you cannot sell “sexy” without sex appeal

Nadia Mukami had a headlining weekend performance at a concert in Meru and her outfit has been the talk of the town as every internet user has been clamouring to give their 2-cents on her outfit which has unanimously been declared dreadful.

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Both she and her stylist, a lady who goes by the name Gold Melina have been bashing their fashion critics saying that we need to evolve from being village bumpkins for our standards and tastes in fashion to elevate.

Nadia Mukami in Meru

While I do agree with her and I also did not find the outfit dreadful, its execution and fit were dreadful. The execution was lousy because it was all fluff and no substance. There was nothing daring in the outfit as it didn’t tease anything. On paper it was daring but it really only lived up to the billing of an overhyped one-piece bathing suit with a cape. And the fit? Oh Lord, the fit! Why did they feel the need to cram Nadia Mukami’s rotund body into the outfit?

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You see, she is a very comely singer but she just had a baby and is yet to shed the weight that comes with such a noble endeavour. And in truth, when you’re a celebrity who uses sex appeal for your brand, what you’re selling is your ability to be sexy and whether or not your mother, husband and feminists tell you you’re looking fierce and sexy, if you’re fat, you’re fat and that’s just that.

Nadia Mukami

In truth, this is a very well-known fact in the entertainment business. It is why you see J.Lo and Beyonce actually work out and try to remain sexy. They are selling hopes and dreams and that ultimately means being sexy. And whenever they had children just like Nadia Mukami did, they take a step back from the limelight, do the work and only step back when they are fine as wine. That is part of the reason why they’ve had a career that exemplifies longevity while a lot of other RnB ladies fall off like Nivea.

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And when they have the weight still on them, they have a team of stylists who understand that this is not the moment to sell sex appeal but rather modesty. And that is what the Kenyan audience is responding with and letting our starlet know but like every other Kenyan celeb, she seems not to understand that her customers are king and they make the rules.

Nadia Mukami stars in a full make up look

You can thrush about like a petulant child and you can roll about on the floor but the fact still remains that this is the ultimate truth. And as such, I would advise Nadia Mukami to actually listen to what the feedback is saying. Then again, what do I know? I am just a guy in my small 20s with alot of opinions.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
