
NACADA Criticizes Influencers for Promoting Drug Abuse Content on Social Media

The National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) has expressed concern over the rising trend of influencers and content creators promoting drug use on social media. NACADA’s CEO, Dr. Anthony Omerikwa, emphasized the alarming normalization of drug and substance abuse by these influencers, warning that it poses a significant threat to efforts aimed at combating alcohol and drug abuse, particularly among vulnerable populations such as children.


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In a public statement, Dr. Omerikwa pointed out that the glorification of drug use in content aimed at young audiences undermines national efforts to address substance abuse. He stressed that portraying harmful behaviors as normal or desirable can have a detrimental impact on impressionable viewers.

“The content aimed at young people glorifies harmful behavior and jeopardizes the progress made in shielding vulnerable groups from the adverse effects of drug and substance abuse,” Omerikwa remarked.

He urged influencers and digital creators to acknowledge their impact on public behavior and to cease promoting substance abuse. “Promoting drug use is not only irresponsible; it is a violation of the law,” the NACADA CEO underscored.

Dr. Omerikwa reminded the public that under the Alcoholic Drinks Control Act of 2010 and the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Control Act of 1994, promoting or advertising drug use is illegal, with serious legal consequences for violators.

These laws prohibit any form of promotion or glamorization of drug use, and NACADA has committed to collaborating with law enforcement to ensure compliance.


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Additionally, Dr. Omerikwa highlighted the essential role of parents and guardians in protecting children from harmful online content. He encouraged parents to supervise their children’s social media activities and activate parental control settings to filter out inappropriate material. “Many platforms lack adequate safeguards, so it is crucial for parents to educate their children about the dangers of drug use and to report harmful content,” Omerikwa advised.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
