
Mylee Staicey Sets High Dowry Price for Suitors

Kenyan socialite Mylee Staicey has set a high dowry price for her potential suitors, revealing that she expects to receive Sh800 billion, nearly a trillion shillings.

The revelation came after Staicey shared a sample of DMs she has received from men expressing their interest in her. In one message, a man from Kenya confessed his admiration for Staicey and proposed marriage.

Staicey responded with humor, pointing out the directness of the man’s proposal and revealing her hefty dowry demand. She then challenged men to react to her quoted amount.

Her ex-fiancée, singer Weezdom, was among those who responded to the post, jokingly commenting on the man’s boldness and predicting that he would not be able to maintain the trend for long.

Staicey’s high dowry demand has sparked reactions on social media, with some netizens expressing amusement and others questioning the practicality of such a demand.

Staicey’s recent statement comes amidst her ongoing relationship drama with Weezdom. The couple had a tumultuous relationship, marked by breakups and reconciliations. Last month, Weezdom publicly apologized to Staicey on a reality show, hoping to rekindle their romance.

Staicey, on the other hand, entered the reality show with the hope of mending their broken relationship. While their future remains uncertain, their relationship dynamics continue to captivate their fans.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
