
“My father left me all his property when he died” Maina Kageni opens up

Radio presenter and media personality Maina Kageni recently opened up about his father while speaking about the ongoing Michuki family property dispute.

Maina Kageni

Apparently the Michuki’s have been battling each other in court demanding to get a share of the late minister’s estate – estimated to be worth at least 10 billion shillings.

Anyway, Maina Kageni who lost his dad when he was only 2 years old – leaving him all his property which he later inherited after turning 21 years.

“My dad died when I was two years old. Luckily for him, he left behind a will and after his death, it was entrusted to trustees. Immediately I turned 21, the properties were transferred to me,”

Guilty conscience?

Maina Kageni went on to add that his father should have left all his property to his mother since she was the one raising him.

But due to his guilty conscience Maina Kageni’s father left him the property. He concluded saying;

“My dad was guilty. Why did he not leave everything to my mother?”


About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
