
My Career Wasn’t the Reason for My Marriage Ending – Rosemary Waweru

Renowned actress Rosemary Waweru, also known as Maya, has dismissed claims that her acting career caused the breakdown of her marriage.

The mother of two explained that the separation was due to irreconcilable differences.


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In an interview with Jeff Kuria, she clarified:
“My career didn’t affect my marriage. I was fully committed as a wife and mother. I had my first child in 2010. My eldest is 14, and my youngest is nearly 8. When I met my husband, I was already well-known, so fame wasn’t the reason for our separation.”

Maya admitted that the initial months post-separation were challenging.
“The first six months were tough—I cried, and so did the kids. I talked to them often to help them adjust. It wasn’t easy, but God guided me through it. We separated four years ago.”

She praised her ex-husband for his involvement in their children’s lives.
“We co-parent because he loves his children. Though we’re no longer together, they’ve never felt his absence. I respect him as their father.”


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Regarding her relationship status, she revealed:
“I’ve been single for my children’s sake. I didn’t leave my marriage to jump into another. I met my ex-husband at 19, married at 20, and had my first child at 22.”

Her advice to Kenyans?
“Stay grounded. It will help you face the challenges life throws at you. Also, get to know yourself.”

Maya has starred in shows such as Pray and Prey and Faithless, and she is also a voice-over artist.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
