
Mungai Eve’s confession reveals misunderstandings about family planning methods

Mungai Eve recently discussed her use of implants during a Q&A after netizens noticed its visibility on her arm.

She chose implants as a family planning method because she is not ready to have children. Since starting with the implant in 2020 at age 20, it has been effective for her.


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“So many people have seen my implant since it became more visible last year, but I’ve been using it since 2020,” Mungai Eve shared.

She encouraged other women to consult gynecologists to find the most suitable contraceptive method if they are not ready for children. “If you’re not ready to bring a life into this world, why would you? Just protect yourself,” she advised.

The comments on her post revealed a lack of understanding about contraceptive methods and their side effects. Some commenters worried that Mungai Eve might experience complications like ectopic pregnancy or face difficulties with future pregnancies due to the implant.


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Common misconceptions about family planning include:

  • Family planning is solely to avoid children: In reality, it’s about planning when to have children and spacing pregnancies for health reasons.
  • Contraceptives cause infertility: Many believe that contraceptives lead to permanent infertility, but fertility generally returns to normal after stopping the method.
  • Contraceptives are harmful: There’s a belief that hormonal contraceptives have severe side effects, but it’s best to consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice.
  • Birth control prevents STIs: Only condoms offer protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
  • Contraceptives cause weight gain: Some people experience increased appetite and weight gain with certain contraceptives, but this varies.

Misunderstandings about birth control can lead to confusion and avoidance of effective methods. It’s important to understand these misconceptions to make informed decisions about contraceptive options.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
