
Mungai Eve shares why she isn’t ready to have kids at the moment

Kenyan YouTuber Mungai Eve has candidly shared why she doesn’t see herself having kids anytime soon.

In a Q&A session with fans, Mungai Eve revealed that she still feels like a child and believes she isn’t in the right place to have kids at the moment. However, she acknowledged that having a family is a dream of hers, and she trusts that God knows the right time for it.


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“I feel like I am still a child. It is every girl’s dream to have children, but right now I am not in the best place to say when because I feel like God is the one who knows when,” Mungai Eve shared.

Regarding why she has had an implant for over four years, she explained that the fear of getting pregnant is the main reason.

“It is so obvious to have an implant when you are not ready to have children; personally, it has actually been working for me, and I would always advise seeing your gynecologist to see what works for you.


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I also don’t feel like it is a problem to be on contraceptives because if you are not ready to bring a life into this world, just protect yourself,” Mungai Eve said.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
