
Mungai Eve claims, “I’m a happy girl, no bad blood,” on her split from Director Trevor

Mungai Eve recently celebrated her 24th birthday in Dubai, where she’s been indulging in her dream vacation and sharing envy-inducing pictures of her adventures. In an interview with CEO Wycliffe TV, she expressed her gratitude for the amazing experience, including meeting fans, interacting with others, and enjoying a yacht party.


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Reflecting on her journey, Mungai credited hard work, mentorship, and faith in God for her growth as a YouTuber. Despite facing challenges in the past, such as dropping out of her Journalism and Mass Communication course due to financial constraints in 2020, she has now found a balance and plans to return to complete her degree.

“I feel like right now I am in a position to balance, plan my life compared to previously,” she shared.


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Looking ahead, Mungai intends to re-engage fully with her Kenyan audience and continue pursuing her passion for content creation. Regarding her past relationship and any fallout, she maintained a positive outlook, emphasizing that everything happens for a reason and expressing gratitude for her current happiness.

“I don’t have any bad blood; I wish them all the very best,” she stated. “Having grudges is too much to handle; I have so much on my plate.”

As for her dating status, Mungai remained coy but hinted at being open to sharing that aspect of her life with her online family when the time is right.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
