
Mulamwah Quits Milele FM After Disagreement Over Contract

Popular Kenyan content creator Mulamwah has quit his job at Milele FM after just over a year. He announced his decision on social media, saying that he and the radio station could not agree on some aspects of his contract.

“I have officially quit MILELE FM after 1 year & 3 months of service,” he wrote. “We could not agree on some aspects of the contract and the scope of work hence calling it quits.”

Mulamwah thanked Media Max, the company that owns Milele FM, for the opportunity and his colleagues for their support. He also thanked his fans, saying that he would still be meeting them on other platforms.

“To the konki fans asanteni sana, we will still meet on many other platforms & forums,” he wrote. “Has been nice. alot learnt – Merci ! KONKI ♥️”

Mulamwah’s departure from Milele FM is a surprise, as he was one of the station’s most popular presenters. He is known for his witty and humorous skits, which have earned him a large following on social media.

It is unclear what Mulamwah’s next move will be, but he has said that he is excited to explore new opportunities. He is sure to continue to be a popular figure in the Kenyan entertainment industry.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
