
Mulamwah complains after baby mama excludes his name from their daughter’s birth certificate

Mulamwah is one of Kenya’s kings of oversharing, constantly revealing very intimate details about himself, his current relationship and especially his ex fiance with whom he had a public and decidedly nasty fallout.

So far, he’s shared plenty, from graphic images of aborted zygotes to details on how he treated his baby mama before their breakup. Now, Mulamwah has posted his daughter’s birth certificate online, lamenting that Carrol Sonnie omitted his name.


“Access Denied” Mulamwah Reveals Why He Hasn’t Been Involved in His Child’s Life (Keilah)

Indeed, Carrol Sonnie left Mulamwah’s name off her daughter’s birth certificate, possibly due to the emotional fallout from their breakup. Many agree that while her feelings are valid, this action may not be justified.

This incident comes at a time when many believed Mulamwah had committed to co-parenting their daughter as part of a blended family.

In a viral video, Mulamwah is seen pleading with Carrol Sonnie to emulate Mama Mueni, who has made it easy for Bahati to co-parent despite their breakup.

However, despite his promises, Mulamwah continues to criticize Sonnie. He recently accused her of lying about their peaceful co-parenting arrangement, claiming he last saw his daughter when she was four months old.


Carol Sonnie Discusses Co-Parenting with Mulamwah [VIDEO]

Throughout all this, Carrol Sonnie has remained silent, while Mulamwah continues to share more content for his fans.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
