
Mtawezana? Njugush’s wife’s weight loss journey finally paying off (Photos)

Image: Celestine Ndinda

Wakavinye did not stress over her weight gain after welcoming son, Tugi 3 years ago. Well, if you ask me this was the best decision the 27 year old mum made as she chose to focus on the important matter which is Tugi; and herself instead of stressing over baby fat.

3 years down the line and now she has all the time she needs to work on her body and image. As seen on both her posts and those of Njugush, the couple has been working quite hard as they aim to achieve their dream bodies.

Njugush who was known for his skinny has since been growing some muscles; giving the likes of Eric Omondi and Khalighraph Jones a run for their money. His new photos confirm that he has indeed been putting on some weight and we love it!

Wakavinye aka Celestine Ndinda

Mama Tugi snatched!

As hubby is struggling to gain some muscles, mama Tugi on the other had is busy trying to lose both the baby fat; and unnecessary weight she has gained over the years. And just like her husband, Celestine has shared a few photos showing her progress so far.


From the photos below, one can clearly see how fast the mother of one has been shedding her weight ever since joining the Gym. But with celebrity trainer Freddy Kaloki on their cases; there is no option but to stay fit. Check out the photos below.

Mama Tugi
Celestine Ndinda’s weight loss
Njugush’s wife

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
