
Mr Seed Takes Back Polygamy Comments After Wife’s Rebuke, Offers Public Apology

Gospel singer Mr Seed is seeking to mend fences after comments he made about men wasting women’s time in relationships sparked uproar online and criticism from his wife, Nimo.

In a video clip of a podcast appearance that went viral, Mr Seed asserted that men can still consider other women even while in long-term relationships, and compared women to potential “trophy wives.” He further claimed men are naturally polygamous.

These remarks visibly upset Nimo, who took to Instagram to voice her disapproval. “What you said was insensitive, especially coming from someone in a committed relationship,” she wrote, questioning the relevance of such statements.

Following the public backlash and his wife’s vocal rebuke, Mr Seed has issued a public apology, expressing regret for any hurt his comments might have caused.

“I apologize sincerely for any unintended hurt my recent comments on marriage and relationships may have caused,” he wrote, acknowledging the disconnect between his words and his commitment to Nimo. He further promised to be more mindful in the future.

Despite the apology, the incident has cast a shadow over Mr Seed’s image and strained his relationship with Nimo. Whether his public amends will suffice to fully restore trust and overcome this controversy remains to be seen.

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
