
Mozzartbet provides clean water to the people of Imbo

Mozzart Bet are very proud to be able to launch our first Water Project in this great county of Homabay, said Frank Ochieng from Mozzart Bet.

Powerful locals destroying the Kenyan economy, driving away foreign investors

Mozzart Bet Kenya has been operating in Kenya for three years and is honoured to be able to show solidarity with the Kenyan people and provide support for the whole communities. This company continued with donations in Imbo, Kothidha, Homabay County, with a life-saving Christmas gift for this wonderful Kenyan Community.

Mozzart Bet
– We are very proud to be able to launch our first Water Project in this great county of Homabay. The people of Imbo are the first beneficiaries of our new socially responsible initiative that we call, ”Clean drinking water for our communities ”. Through this Water Project, Mozzart aims to give back to society by delivering clean water to the communities. We hope that this will make a difference here – said Mr. Frank Ochieng from Mozzartbet.

Conspiracy against foreign investors?

This year has been a challenging year to most countries in the world due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. To offer support to healthcare facilities during these terrible times, ever since the Pandemic hit Kenya, Mozzart has invested 10,000,000 ksh worth of medical equipment to help fight Corona Virus in 10 hospitals across Kenya. Healthcare facilities in Nakuru, Siaya, Kisii, Embu, Nyandarua, Baringo, Bomet, Kisumu, Kakamega & Kitui have all received donations, that included PPEs for frontline professionals, and other assorted medical equipment, but we haven’t stopped there.

Mozzart Bet
Mozzart is now even more committed to giving back to society. Through the action called ’’Supporting our health care facilities“, this company delivered Intensive Care Unit facilities to the most needed Hospitals, especially in hard-to-reach areas.


Through that Socially Responsible Initiative, so far Mozzart donated ICU beds, Patient Monitors, Oxygen Concentrators and other critical intensive medical care equipment to the Ngara Health Centre Nairobi, and to Chemolingot Sub County Hospital in Tiaty, East Pokot.

Mozzart Bet
Sadly, the companies from these industries that have more than ever supported the community with continuous health donations, seem to be undesirable for some individuals in this country.

Mozzart Bet Marketing Manager, Okoth Ochieng’ at the Commissioning of the Water Point.

The companies that annually pay more than $ 60 million to the state and local government budgets and provide work for 55.000 people are again target of local powerful people who are trying to take primacy in an illegal and primitive way by connecting successful and recognized foreign companies with illegal activities.

Mozzart has supported young talents in sports, mostly through the initiative ’’New jerseys for new champions’’ with donations of full sports kits to various teams around the country.

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About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
