
Moses Kuria trashes impeachment bid

Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria has dismissed calls for his impeachment, saying he is focused on his work and will not be distracted by such “noise.”

Kuria’s comments come in response to a motion filed by Senator Edwin Sifuna seeking his removal from office over allegations of misconduct and disrespecting the Senate.

“I am not shaken by the calls for my impeachment. I am focused on my work and delivering on the promises I made to the people of Kenya,” Kuria said.

“I will not be distracted by the noise from a few individuals who are trying to score political points.”

Kuria has been a vocal critic of the Senate, accusing the body of overstepping its authority and interfering with the work of the executive.

“The Senate is not a court of law,” Kuria said. “It is a legislative body, and it should focus on its core mandate of making laws.”

Kuria’s supporters say that he is a strong and independent leader who is not afraid to speak his mind.

“Moses Kuria is a breath of fresh air in Kenyan politics,” said one supporter. “He is not afraid to challenge the status quo, and he is always fighting for the interests of the common people.”

Kuria’s critics say that he is a loose cannon who is more interested in self-promotion than in serving the public.

“Moses Kuria is a liability to the government,” said one critic. “He is constantly making headlines for the wrong reasons, and he is damaging the reputation of the Kenya Kwanza administration.”

It remains to be seen whether Kuria will be able to weather the storm of controversy surrounding him. However, one thing is for sure: he is not going to go down without a fight.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
